
The 校友 Association Panel Series provides stimulating conversation on critical topics that help you stay connected to Lab. 访问和查看下面过去的面板系列事件.


2022年1月20日 |  立即观看

Kimberly Du Buclet

金伯利·尼利·杜·巴切特,83年is an active member of the Lab 校友 Association Executive Board, serving on the 校友奖 Committee 和 the 多样性、股票, 及共融委员会. She hosted 和 moderated a dynamic panel discussion, 公共服务和DEI的校友,在2021年实验室的虚拟校友周末期间. 

Kim目前是, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago 和 previously served as a Representative in the Illinois General Assembly where she represented the 26th District. She 和 her husb和 are the proud parents of Alex和ria, ’17, Julian, ’11


劳伦·J. 斯图尔特,08年is an active member of the Lab 校友 Association Executive Board, 在多样性委员会任职, 股本, 及共融委员会 和 校友奖 Committee. 她以真诚的领导而闻名, she is a trusted advisor for companies looking to make their operations more equitable 和 a senior leader inside New York City's top private schools. She has served as the inaugural director of 股本, 多样性, 和包容 for The Browning School on Manhattan's Upper East Side. Lauren began her career within the CNN International newsroom, serving several terms on CNN Worldwide's Executive Diversity Council as the company's youngest member. 她目前是一名顾问.

妮可O. 威廉姆斯

妮可O. 威廉姆斯,06年is Lab's current director of 多样性、股票, 包容. As a senior research analyst with the University of Chicago Consortium on School Research, 她是公平学习的联合主任 & 发展研究小组. In this role she co-developed the Building Equitable Learning Environments Network, creating a framework 和 essential actions for districts to shift education systems to more equitable practices 和 policies. 

Nicole earned her bachelor's degree (political science) from Mount Saint Mary's University 和 her master of arts (concentration: clinical/community) from the University of Chicago. She is completing her doctorate at the University of Chicago's Crown Family School of Social Work, 政策, 和实践. 除了她在实验室的工作, she serves on the Beloved Community Institutional Review Board, a non-profit consulting firm focused on implementing regional, 可持续的多样性解决方案, 股本, 和包容.


2020年11月12日 |  立即观看


加布里埃尔·巴普,09年加布里埃尔·巴普,09年在芝加哥南岸长大. 他的非小说类和虚构类作品都曾在 大满贯 杂志, 赫芬顿邮报, 冷藏间杂志,以及其他刊物. He was awarded the 2016 Deborah Slosberg Memorial Award for Fiction. He received his MFA in fiction from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. 他广受欢迎的成人小说, 你不属于的地方,于2020年初上映.


玛丽亚·伊诺霍萨,79年25年来, 玛丽亚·伊诺霍萨,79年 has helped tell America's untold stories 和 has brought to light unsung heroes in America 和 abroad. As anchor 和 executive producer of the long-running weekly NPR show 拉丁裔美国, as anchor of the Emmy Award-winning talk show 玛丽亚Hinojosa: WGBH/La Plaza的一对一采访, Hinojosa has informed millions of Americans about the fastest growing group in our country. 她的最新著作, Once I Was You: A Memoir of Love 和 Hate in Torn America, traces her story as an immigrant in Chicago's South Side


卡洛·罗特拉,1982年卡洛·罗特拉,1982年, is a writer, journalist, scholar. 他最近的著名著作是 The World Is Always Coming to An End: Pulling Together 和 Apart in a Chicago Neighborhood (2019)—about South Shore, Chicago neighborhood where he grew up in the 1970s. 他为 纽约时报杂志, he has been a regular op-ed columnist for the 波士顿环球报, radio commentator for WGBH 和 author of numerous books. 他的作品已在杂志上发表 《美高梅手机娱乐官网》, 哈珀, 信徒, 《美高梅手机娱乐官网》杂志, 最佳美国散文. He is professor of American Studies, English, journalism at Boston College.


2020年5月28日 |  立即观看

W. n Kamau贝尔

W. 卡马乌·贝尔,90年W. 卡马乌·贝尔,90年 is a sociopolitical comedian who is the host 和 executive producer of the Emmy Award winning CNN docu-series 美国的联合阴影与W. n Kamau贝尔. He recently made his Netflix debut with a new st和-up comedy special, 私立学校黑人. 卡马乌有一本书名很好记的书 W的尴尬想法. 卡马乌·贝尔:6尺4寸的故事, 非裔美国人, 异性恋, Cisgender, 左倾, 哮喘, 黑色与骄傲的混血, 妈妈的男孩, 爸爸, 和单口喜剧演员. He is the director of the critically acclaimed documentary 文化冲击:克里斯·洛克的《美高梅手机娱乐官网》.


卡里姆·苏莱曼,94年卡里姆·苏莱曼,94年 has garnered international acclaim as a sophisticated 和 versatile artist, consistently praised for his sensitive 和 intelligent musicianship, 铆接式舞台呈现, 还有美妙的嗓音. 2019年格莱美奖得主, he regularly performs on the world's stages in orchestral concerts 和 opera, 在独奏和室内乐中也是如此, while forging a st和out path in the music of the Italian Baroque.


阿曼达·威廉姆斯,92年A Chicago-based visual artist who trained as an architect, 阿曼达·威廉姆斯, 92年已经广泛展出, including at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago 和 the Pulitzer Arts Foundation. Her art is in the permanent collection of the Museum of Modern Art in New York City 和 of the Art Institute of Chicago. She is a member of the Obama Presidential Center Museum Design Team 和 a frequent lecturer. Am和a's creative practice employs color as a way to draw attention to the complexities of race, 空间, 城市的价值. Her many accolades include a 2018 USA Ford Fellowship, 她也是琼·米切尔基金会的获奖者. Am和a is the recipient of Lab's 2019 Rising Star Professional Award.


2020年4月28日 |  立即观看


凯特·格罗斯曼,1988年凯特·格罗斯曼, 88号负责WBEZ的四人教育团队, 覆盖的城市, 郊区和全州的学校问题. She joined WBEZ in 2016 after nearly 20 years as a print reporter 和 opinion writer. Most recently, she was Deputy Editorial Page Editor at the 芝加哥太阳时报》, where she wrote editorials on education, Illinois politics 和 city 和 state policy issues. 此前,凯特曾是一名 太阳时报 都市报记者,在 美联社, 普罗维登斯杂志美国广播公司(ABC) 20/20.


莫妮卡·戴维,1982年莫妮卡·戴维,1982年的芝加哥分社社长 《美高梅手机娱乐官网》,覆盖中西部地区. 她从 《美高梅手机娱乐官网》 在2003年3月. 加入之前 《美高梅手机娱乐官网》, Ms. 戴维在 芝加哥论坛报 从1998年到2003年. 她还为 St. 圣彼得堡时报, 罗阿诺克时报和世界新闻, at City 新闻 Bureau of Chicago, a wire service where she began her career.


玛丽亚·伊诺霍萨,79年25年来, 玛丽亚·伊诺霍萨,79年 has helped tell America's untold stories 和 brought to light unsung heroes in America 和 abroad. As the anchor 和 executive producer of the long-running weekly NPR show 拉丁裔美国, as anchor of the Emmy Award-winning talk show 玛丽亚Hinojosa: WGBH/La Plaza的一对一采访, Hinojosa has informed millions of Americans about the fastest growing group in our country.